escheat 5 points ago +5 / -0

4-letter words... I knew it! What kind of people are these? Oh, yeah, my kind of people, my grandparents from there. Ok.

escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honesty and integrity? Just for a change. "My opponent is a good man, but I really feel like I can make a good difference in this position because of my past experience doing xyz"

escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I felt a cold coming on, no testing, and took 6mg ivermectin that eve, then 6 next morning, feeling worse, then 6mg evening. Next day fest better, took 6mg. Next day felt better but coughed out phloem for 3 more days but had most of my power back during that time. Not horse paste but a different 'animal grade' iver.

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happened to me about 10 yrs ago, except I was not sole passenger- there were 3 of us. I had fallen asleep in the departure area and missed my flight. They told me to come back next day so I did, Freaky to see hundreds of empty seats and crossing the Pacific ocean. One other passenger was a special case fear-of-flying. The other was so far away I had no idea what they were about. I did not check first class, maybe somebody in there. Weird but I was focused on getting to my family so I was just grateful.

escheat 3 points ago +3 / -0

From FL but lived in Texas a while. I say Dallas- centralized in US and South FL will always be a bit 'uppity' to me.

escheat 3 points ago +3 / -0

A handful of people near me, in a 3rd world asian country near china, have taken the "Sinovac" vaxx, so it seems China has their own vaxx. None of the people I know have gotten sick at all, just a day of injection site soreness. No idea if there is any permanent repercussions or if the vaxx works at all.

by RIR1776
escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zelenko protocol for the vaxxed, and hope this story of 'med beds' is true.

escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Middle of the night thought- as cnn circles the drain, newscaster from other msm may 'see the light' (of GITMO) and start breaking from the narrative. They could blame cnn for misleading them, and when their boss fires them, they proclaim themselves heroes, fired for 'sticking to the truth'.

escheat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now that's 'disclosure'... Might as well get ahead- Epstein didn't kill himself, again.

escheat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the great report. I've been taking low dose iver for a few months. I don't have any personal health problems other than being an 'old fart' but I wanted to take it for a while because it's animal grade and I want my family to know it's ok if ever they really need it. I did not have a breakthrough or anything, and I never looked in the commode, afraid of what i might see. I slacked off the iver and caught a cold, took a couple hits, 2 days cold gone. I do notice that exercise that would have me breathing hard before, doesn't wind me now, but that may the exercise itself.

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, you could buy 'em books, send 'em to school, and they still wouldn't get it.

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dr. Zelenko refers to kid vaxx as "child sacrifice". This puts the good answer somewhere between "no" and "hell no"

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish I had some evidence besides 'semi-educated guess' but I am thinking the white hats are ahead of what we know about. At least I hope so. Cuomos deflated, Nusome looks like actor, other things bending to the light. Rumors of Cali decerting 'out of the blue'. Like everybody, I'd like to see more solid stuff, but I tend to think 'its habbening'

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

These boards saved my sanity. Thanks to all frens and mods keeping it right-side-up. I am in a place outside US where the people believe the TV,fb,etc, and nothing else. The lifestyle is simple and healthy mostly. So covid passed thru (I think) and people got a little extra sick, nobody died. Now they are falling for the vaxx nonsense, and I'm the nutcase. I have some iver, still offering suggestions, and hoping for the best for them. Starting to vaxx the kids now, sad to see.

by cody17
escheat 7 points ago +8 / -1

I think the 'missing foot' in the KR trial video is a clue to a deep rabbit hole. Something is 'off' about that trial, and the goings on around it.

escheat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well said. The one thing that makes no sense to me is Trump's continuing support for a poison vaxx. His life and his family's has been threatened for years. Just can't make sense of it. 'Had to kill a few people to wake up the 4%? I dunno.

escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

US small denomination silver coins have melt value, of nothing else, and can be used in barter type trading. If they are available. Hands on or forget it.

escheat 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have been wondered the same thing. I am in the Philippines and several people I know and see often have gotten vaxxed (despite what I tried to tell them, damned crazy old foreigner). Two got 'Phizer' and got nausea for a day, the others got 'sinovac' and got a sore arm for a day. Kinda sad because they are pushing kids to get vaxxed and the young people in their 20's are not showing particularly bad signs. I printed out copies of the national law here that says no vaxx is required for school or work, but the brainwashing is in full force. I wonder if they are being set up for a killer booster.

escheat 7 points ago +7 / -0

What about thousands of armed citizens standing up for their rights? Right out of the Constitution. Nobody wants to go there, but many willing if it became absolutely necessary. And those citizens would be of all colors and races and religions, and that should be the scariest part to whoever would deny the rights of Americans.

escheat 5 points ago +5 / -0

What happened to people's decency, basic sense of fairness, to let each have one vote, then accept the results?

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make your own, bless the water with your own good heart. Already proven to affect the water. Can the water affect you? That seems to be your belief, works for me, so why not?

escheat 1 point ago +1 / -0

And 'variants', conveniently and wrongly blamed on 'unvaxxed'. They are likely working in some labs somewhere coming up with the next nasty bug.

escheat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberty Cracked? New symbol of liberty...

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