posted ago by Themessenger777 ago by Themessenger777 +14 / -0

So the time has come for me to share what I have been told to share. I'm going to post a series of visions, visitations and whispers...I will include dates (only sauce I can give) I was born in Faith and will die in Faith...I was born this way....Why? I've learned not to question.. Hopefully this may help others who may be experiencing a loss of faith, whose spirit is sinking low, that Gods hand is upon this... Let's begin with before the election:


"Peace will only come when the last Amalekite is killed and ridden from this earth,...They are amongst you...From generation to generation a war on Amalek must be waged....he preys on the weaklings, the old, the tortured, those that are exhausted. He is ruthless and cynical...he wants to throw away those who fear God."

"Before you go to war you must extend the hand of peace in the land of Israel ....The 7 laws of man must be accepted for a just and moral society. If they are refused....DO BATTLE"

"Humanity MUST unite as a family of man...Jews will join hands with Gentile, Muslim and those without care to origin....for I have created them all...Once this is done, and the world calls to Me in one voice, loudly to My Heavens, I will send my army of Angels."

"My annointed one has long had My Sword and My Armour..I have also given him the key of David which opens the door no man can open and closes the door no man can close. Three Angels stand at his side as protection from evil. I would not send a lamb to do the work of a lion"

So what's it mean? First was the name Amelek, which when I originally wrote down I misspelled as Amalak... Notice anything? Amalek- Kamala Notice the date is prior to her being named VP pick...is God saying something (other than my spelling sucks)

Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.....Is this the hand of peace? Yep.. Did Trump bring peace to the middle east? Yep, more than anyone else...

7 Laws of man...everyone knows there are 10 commandments...but not everyone, who isn't Jewish (I'm not), knows the 7 laws of man are really the 7 laws of Noah according to the Jewish law...and are very similar to the commandments...

Humanity must unite...anyone who sees the world now, 7 month later (from date given) sees how the world has United around us...even Muslim countries are protesting..

My Annointed one..easy, Trump. Hard, key of David...God has only given this key twice before..Trump now has it. It will unlock our new world and future.

Soooo....you guys keep deciphering here on Earth and I'll do my best to decipher from the heaven's...God will not lose..

More to come later...gotta go for now... BLESSINGS ALL! Keep the FAITH and PRAY!