I was going back over Q posts, as I am sure many of us have especially recently...
I got to posts No. 7538263 & No. 7538264; the latter being a duplicate of the former, I am trying to remember about the duplication of those posts by Q as well as having the same time stamp at 22:03:45 Dated:12/17/2019...... Does anyone recall, please, what or if anything was followed up on that after the original board page was completed for that session?
I remember the responses in that session and it was mentioned by a few as a bug, with others saying it was intentional. I remembered it mainly because of the post in that session, by an Anon, about Scrivener’s Law and so, having never heard of it before I had to look it up, I used the attached addresses, as well as my own searches to understand what the word meant in that post, so that’s why I remembered it again after so long..
But I cannot remember if there was any follow up discussed to those posts...can anyone out there help please?
Thanks for the clarification fren. WWG1WGA