It ain't over 'till it's over!
The best soldiers in history were people that remained confident and, dare I say optimistic, in the face of the most impossible of odds. Some died and had their stand baked into this world for all time, others fought hard and won. Don't give up now, on the very eve of our success!
You think the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae were really in a position to realistically beat thousands of Persians? They knew they would die, but they fought with confidence anyway.
The 101 Airborne were surrounded, freezing, out of ammo, food, medical supplies, and shelter, yet when Patton's tank army "rescued" them, they refused to admit they had been rescued, and insisted they could have continued on for weeks. These were people that were carrying guns empty of ammo, knowing at any second the Germans could press an offensive to overwhelm them. If anything, it was their tenacity alone that convinced the Germans to act with caution instead of breaking through their lines.
You are in a better position to act than you realize. Right now is not the time for anything dramatic, or anything violent. Right now is the time to network, and watch, while hopefully those in BETTER positions to act do so and save us all the effort. Regardless, our role if nothing else is to spread the truth. Go forth and do so!
Prepare yourself, as well. Be sure to have food, etc. in case things go south. We need people thinking clearly to see what is happening.
What is happening is our god-given rights being revoked while we are told to sit home and trust a plan we cannot confirm is even real