posted ago by UndiagnosedAutism ago by UndiagnosedAutism +27 / -0

To be a doomer, you have to be able to reconcile all the memory-holed happenings post the Nov. 3, 2020 election. I will provide a brief refresher:

Based Ezra promoted to acting undersecretary of def for int and sec, Nov. 10, 2020. https://www.defense.gov/Our-Story/Biographies/Biography/Article/2297081/ezra-cohen/

Nov. 18, 2020. Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocyK73la5z8

Who is ECW?

At the same time, Based Kash Patel was named chief of staff to acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller (Chris Miller, you say?). Then, on Nov. 24, 2020, Based Kash was ahem "PUT IN CHARGE OF THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT'S TRANSITION TO THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION." What does this suggest? https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/24/kash-patel-pentagon-transition-440293

Kash and Ezra (with Devin Nunes) were instrumental chess pieces involved in uncovering FISAgate and are patriots of the highest order. Look at how they frame Kash as a "White House loyalist." These guys know everything about every illegal act and coverup over the last four years and they were IMMEDIATELY moved into top positions in the DoD following the Nov. 3 fraud. Look into their past and accomplishments and you'll understand the significance of those promotions.

Chris Miller recently instructed the NSA chief to install Michael Ellis as NSA general counsel. The purpose of this is to receive legal advice on how to properly proceed in court with evidence that has been gathered by the NSA. Why would this be necessary? Why now?

There has been so much that has happened since Nov. 3 that its very hard for people to see the big picture while distracted by the day-to-day news cycle. Those are only a few names and I don't want to write a wall of text but I wanted to serve a reminder to the doomers out there that this looks very much like the NSA together with the US Military/Special Forces are maneuvering to drop some bombs.