I zipped through until live and just about 2 minutes ago saw another white matching bus... nothing suggests a thing from these busses though - I don't think we'll see any kind of obvious prep for arrests like this.
I agree. The tint is heavy on those windows I’ve been watching the feed hanging with friends and the busses didn’t start rolling until after about noon. (Kamala stepped down from senate officially at noon)are they trying to scare them, provoking counter move?
This? https://i.postimg.cc/Nj8MpMqG/492-F8517-8477-4-C3-B-AD03-680-E9690-C4-CB.jpg
YES and many just like it!
They could be used as barricade but those windows are completely tinted
No they use dump trucks loaded with rocks as barricades, busses are that.
I zipped through until live and just about 2 minutes ago saw another white matching bus... nothing suggests a thing from these busses though - I don't think we'll see any kind of obvious prep for arrests like this.
I agree. The tint is heavy on those windows I’ve been watching the feed hanging with friends and the busses didn’t start rolling until after about noon. (Kamala stepped down from senate officially at noon)are they trying to scare them, provoking counter move?
Live stream with no timestamp on the feed. Gonna be hard to track backwards for people.
Good point I’ll try and search back
I went and looked for a marker on screen but could not find one.
3 hour mark, speed up play back speed multiple busses some look like normal charter but others are tinted windows schoolbus/prison style
Nice catch!
Gotta round up those darn fire-starting homeless people.
Why does it say at the bottom of this video RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian Government"?
Isn't this a Ruptly stream?
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