saw this on gab earlier today:
posted by @threesevens
QAnon and the Great Awakening
I'd like to to address this, because I am tired of being told that Q was an OP to pacify me, when I've done more work in the truth movement for last few years because of Q, than at any other time in my life.
"The plan" always required our participation. It was not about pacification, it was about activation. It was about the Great Awakening.
Q activated an army of digital soldiers to counter the fake news. We did all the research work, created media of all types, and spread it relentlessly across social media all while being deplatformed, ridiculed, banned, censored, hated, and worse. We woke up millions anyway.
We fought in the trenches of the information war, while the naysayers and blackpillers did nothing but attempt to dampen our morale, which is actually worse than nothing. Killing the morale of patriots is useful only to the enemy, so don't do it. It takes a lot of nerve to criticize us about being pacified while sitting on the sidelines.
One more thing - HOPE IS ALWAYS CORRECT, because you never know if it's "false hope" until after the fact. Hopeless people have no fight. Always have hope, always spread hope.
Hopelessness is the real pacification OP.
and of the real votes china joe did get, i'd wager 90% or more were not actually votes FOR him but rather AGAINST Trump
Exactly!!! People I know who did vote for the senile old hair sniffer ONLY voted that way because they didn't like President Trump!! I ask them "REALLY"??? That is the only reason you are sending our country to the socialists?? That you don't like President Trump? IDIOTS - they are all IDIOTS!