The next 48 hours will be like the entire Revolutionary War and the fall of Berlin compressed into two days. I have called off work so I can witness history in the making.
I think things will start moving midnight, but will not be noticed until about 6am tomorrow, first we will see vague social media posts about helicopters overhead, armored personnel carriers racing around DC, neighbors filming a new roadblock that materializes on street a Congressman live on. Lots of grainy vertical footage from random unsuspecting citizens, that sort of thing, think the prelude to invasion of Crimea a few years back.
Around noon it will start hitting CNN/FOX/MSNBC "unconfirmed reports of arrests", "possible terrorist attack", "a disturbance at Congressman XXXs house"... Then BOOM. The news channels become static, one by one. Twitter and Facebook goes down. An emergency broadcast to all cellphones informs of attempted coup by globalist forces, vague reassurance that the union is strong and Americans will be protected. For next 12-24 hours there is anxiety, fear, and excitement as the population speculates on what is taking place. 6am 1/20/2020 the news channels and social media come online. Trump is on the podium surrounded by loyalists and cheering patriot soldiers, thanks America for reelection and announces that the coup has the thwarted.
What a time to be alive.
I think all of its extremely plausible except for Trump standing at the podium at the end.
Everyone’s made it clear that there will be a transition of power of some kind. I think Trump is too divisive because of MSM brainwashing to be the figure to lead us through this. I’m counting on SoD Miller.
"When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." Cersei Lannister
You do not arrest a giant entrenched cabal of billionaires and politicians and get to walk away because you don't want to be divisive. He will remain in place for ATLEAST 4 more years.
Eventually, but I think a lot of people are assuming he won't immediately be sworn in. Instead there will be a transition period where everything is sorted out according to the Constitution so it may take a while before he's officially President again for a second term.