235 GET READY!! PRISON BUSES ARRIVED IN DC, JUST IN TIME TO GET ALL THE INCOMING PRISONERS!!! (www.youtube.com) posted 4 years ago by ForMyVeteranGrandpa 4 years ago by ForMyVeteranGrandpa +241 / -6 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
need a bigger bus
Well, you can't use normal Greyhounds because Biden will try to sniff them and pull their tails.
Fuck. What is wrong with that guy. Who pulls a dogs tail getting out of the shower.
Can have a double meaning.
All Bidens are TRASH. Change my mind.
Meh. They use these same busses for troops.
NG are authorized to use lethal force in DC. I doubt they will as much as attempt to round up protestors.
antifa bus
We got one more guys. Another democrat in full panic.
Good thing God has mercy on cripples and retards.
This dude isn’t relevant enough to be anything more than a nervous dem lolol He’s been in here all morning. Kind of pathetic
HAHAHAHA the guy that wasn't into conspiracy, is now saying he/she is a conspiracy. We converted you in 2 minutes, nice.
Have you ever stopped to think, period? Or do you just vomit out what the voices in your head say?
Don’t tell him about the actual plan guys. He will just report to whoever will blow the lid on it. Keep those discussions on the other site
SSHHHHH!! Don't tell him about the other site! That may expose the other site's backup site.
He ain’t gonna find it lolol
Why would it not adhere to traffic lights? It isn't a first responder vehicle on the way to an emergency.
I think because it is parked.