I need a hug guys.
I mean I knew these people were sick and evil, and I knew about a lot of this stuff separately.... but I've never had it all spelled out like this before, and I don't think I realized just how interconnected it all is. I'm absolutely horrified. Every time I think I've reached the bottom of the rabbit hole, it just keeps going.
Ugh, I don't know. I'm not trying to bring anyone down. I'm just horrified and I want justice EVEN MORE now. I want them all taken down. I want all of this crap public. I'm just disgusted, and I feel sick. How does this happen? How can people be like this?
Sorry, I'm just struggling to digest this. I think I need a break before finishing.
Yup. Think of the darkest most evil thing you can imagine and then realize it is worse than that.
Damn Elmo too huh.