I need a hug guys.
I mean I knew these people were sick and evil, and I knew about a lot of this stuff separately.... but I've never had it all spelled out like this before, and I don't think I realized just how interconnected it all is. I'm absolutely horrified. Every time I think I've reached the bottom of the rabbit hole, it just keeps going.
Ugh, I don't know. I'm not trying to bring anyone down. I'm just horrified and I want justice EVEN MORE now. I want them all taken down. I want all of this crap public. I'm just disgusted, and I feel sick. How does this happen? How can people be like this?
Sorry, I'm just struggling to digest this. I think I need a break before finishing.
I watched the Pedogate doc, I knew the basics surrounding Pizzagate - the symbols matching up, Dems friends and customers to the related restaurants but that was all.
The missing pieces were just fucking weird, no idea how anyone can defend it and claim it’s a conspiracy when it’s not a stretch or difficult to connect the dots. Surprisingly straight forward unlike real conspiracies.