How does this all fall into “trusting the plan”
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Are you kidding?
Re Read what you just posted.
Why would they waste the energy of the appointments with only 48 hours left if they didn't plan on doing something???
Game of Thrones Parable:
The King, Priest, the Richman, the small man with a large shadow, who does the sell-sword give his allegiance to?
Power lies where people believe it to.
EVEN if Biden is inaugurated, if the Generals deem he violated the constitution, this dog and pony show doesn't matter. He ISN'T the President.
So the military can just yoink the presidency from Biden even with the charade that is inauguration?
Power lies down the barrel of a gun, but who they listen to is decided based on where they believe power lies.
Do they believe Biden is the legitimate president? Trump is? Do they follow the constitution or listen to the people?
Power is a magic trick. You have, then you don't.