God forbid and I definitely dont want it to happen. But game theory. We got to think this out through and through. If you are a Deep State Agent, you know you have to go inside that gated area. But if you do, you might not come back out as a free person. So what do you do?
What if the Deep State does an event at the inauguration and then blames it on Trump Supporters and the Media goes with it?
The next 2 days are going to be very intense. Everyone should hope nothing happens to deter the plan of locking up all these criminals in Gitmo.
That's likely what they already are planning.
Don't think they are just going to roll over.
If he truly chose shit assed people to run every fucking department, then that's on him.
Sessions, Haspel, Wray, Coates, mcMaster, Kelly, Mattis...if he really was dumb enough to put these people, along with tons of others at positions of power relying on the fucking swamp to give him advice....then he was just a business guy with a flashy mouth.
I don't believe that to be the case.
Fucking think about it..."Oh, Gina Haspel...yeah, her credentials are she worked under Brennan as the UK chief dude, she's great!" " Oh yeah, let's plug her in!"
Their only hope is to make themselves the victim of Orange Man Bad. MSM has been priming the pump for POTUS’s bitter “revenge.” I pray their weapons are discovered and fully exposed.
Do really think trump and the gang didn't for see this happening?
The Mainstream Media will have lost the power to broadcast before the service begins. Any attempt to gaslight us with a staged assassination will have no story teller and no audience.
I garuntee there are arguments right now between the ones who think they can eliminate evidence and get off the hook vs the ones who know they are fucked.
No doubt all of them have already taken steps to secure their stolen money and eliminate others who can incriminate them.
It's anticipated.
Use the threat as an advantage.
Just surround Biden with NG Marshalls; arrest and remove him from the area.
Mission Accomplished.
I've read some whispers on 4chan that they intend to have Biden assassinated on the stage and blamed on us to forever cement their power. They can stage anything they want and their imbecile followers believe anything. If CNN said to chop their dicks off to save people from covid most of them would.
They 100% plan something . We know them .
Kinda hard to convincingly blame a killshot on Trump supporters given that they purged all Trump voters and took away ammo.
sniper from 3 miles away or something. Oswald Harvey Patton the II
everyone knows msm lies....they are part of the problem, bye bye DS could use holograms to attend events?