DevilDogPede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Congrats! E hoy your teacup parties in the years to come

DevilDogPede 6 points ago +6 / -0

Poor guys are about to receive the Lt Col Scheller treatment.

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said lawmakers want to make sure the public understands that the report will be done in a bipartisan fashion."

NO. We don't f****n care. Why do we need to care if this is done "bi-partisanly". They tried to have killed a once in a lifetime leader of the free world.

The only time they need to be included is at their sentencing!

DevilDogPede 3 points ago +3 / -0

James O Keefe is about the ONLY one who I've ever seen post (in a few days) actually come to light and bring 80% of the sauce he teased originally.

DevilDogPede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chyna will ban USA from TikTok at this rate

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good dig. Seems to check out. I know there are videos of residents claiming it's happening, but unfortunately there is no other video showing anything remotely like this with fur still on her lips lol

DevilDogPede 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've got video proof of that one too if they had lol

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's no use now. They deleted the entire thread where using your material about Jean Carroll and then his press.cinferance yesterday - I wrecked them

One woman was so unhinged she was calling my a rapist for supporting Trump lol

I just hope ordinary people/independents got to read it before it "mysteriously" got removed.

DevilDogPede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Setting him up for Impeachment under Article 25, Section 4. Unable to perform duties (while in jail)

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's crazy you mention that. One of his friends posted this Lincoln Project clip and went on a rant about how I was such a rapist Nazi for supporting someone like that.


(Can't find video anywhere else so had to use the link they used)

I found the actual/entire press conference this was taken from and have been wrecking them lol. It's reinforcing hard everything else already talked about.

It's not THEM I care about. It's all their network of friends in Atlanta who are.not as crazy/vocal seeing their craziness unfold while finally having a "conversation" about Trump that isn't with someone like them.

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks you! Definitely used a lot of your material today when they got to the "he's a accused rapist" part of their programing.

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Update on things:

My friend is actually taking the debate decently. He's of course not changing, but he is living up to his promise of not deleting the conversation.

There are two of his friends who've jumped in and are way more unhinged. One at least brings some points about how Trump won't be able to fix inflation. I'm not gonna lie, I don't think anyone can. Best we can do is stop it and start improving the economy which I point out in his Agenda 47 areas. He hits back with Bidens CHIPS plan that "stopped inflation and added jobs".

Overall though, let's be honest. That's not why the modern day lefty is against Trump so luckily, my friends mom of all people hopped on.

Boys.....I have never even met this lady in my life. However.....this tells me my friend never stood a chance. I sometimes feel these people are so freaking insane that it's a one-off. Never really considered many could be a result of this lunacy is because of their parents.

This was her first post she chimed in with 🤣

She has since added 20 posts in total in less than 5 minutes lol.

Indoor need any help on any of her "points". Only one I may need to dig a little on is her claim of 1400 infants separated under Trump are still separated for family. I have a feeling it won't be due to lack of trying to reunite, but if anyone wants to save me time go for it.

You guys are going to enjoy this rant 🤣💀

PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS TO RUN A SEARCH AND DISCOVER OUR DEBATE & JOIN IN. This is my friend guys. Let them show themselves off as the bullies and rabid ones. Again, there is no hope for him or others, but he lives in Atlanta and I guarantee you that my words are reaching people who are not as vocal as they are.

And he is doing something so many on his side refuse to do and that's to at least allow the other side to say what they have to say. I do respect that and hope you guys do as well and refrain from doxxing.

My friends Mom: That’s weird. I don’t care about your mindset when I vote. I care about policies and facts. A***** listed several that are irrefutable. Here are more - McConnell stole two SCOTUS seats and changed the court to fundamental Catholic leads. Why are Catholics disproportionately represented in our highest court? Because the Heritage Foundation chose them for their anti abortion stances!! (the Heritage Foundation has been instrumental in packing the courts at all levels).

Another fact: Project 2025, which I imagine learned their worldview from “The Handmaid’s Tale,” comes out of…The Heritage Foundation. Vance wrote the forward to it. It is the plan for Trump’s next term (it is common to build a transition program and Trump was too inexperienced and uncurious to know that, which is what saved us from him becoming a tyrant (he famously wanted to use the military against American people -that’s as in American as you get);

Trump doesn’t care enough to think through policy - he was very proud of the abortion bans until he found out they were super unpopular and he would lose votes, but that won’t matter if he gains power again because they have a plan now and he will be “President for life”, like Venezuela.

He encouraged J6 and says he will pardon the 1600 criminals who tried to destroy the peaceful transfer of power in his name.

His administration separated children from their families without any reunification plan. They thought it was a good way to discourage immigrants. It is a violation of human rights and broke international law. Stephen Miller, who designed that policy, will be in the administration again.

There are 1400 kids, some were infants, that may never be reunited with their parents for the “crime” of coming here to seek a safer and better life for their families.

His administration thinks it is ok to stop women from traveling for an abortion. Can you think of any reason that men would be threatened with jail for driving to a neighboring state? No?

Then the Trump administration is, by law, making women second class citizens.

Republicans refuse to pass ANY gun safety legislation. He says there weren’t mass shootings during his administration. In fact, there were 263 mass shootings while he was President. So those numbers must be added to the 70 daily suicides and over 24,000 homicides a year.

Murder rates under Biden are at historic lows. Crimes against LGBTQ community, violence against women, murders of trans women and men, and general violent crime went way up under Trump - even with Covid.

Oh. And he killed a million Americans with by getting rid of the pandemic office in the White House and prioritizing the economy (which dived anyway) over people’s safety. He KNEW it was going to be really bad but he still put out false info because he was afraid he might lose the election.

Oil? We are producing record amounts of oil under Biden. Crime? Rates are far lower under Biden - especially violent crime. I believe that is because of his and his buddies’ rhetoric. It’s violent and misogynist and racist. The dog whistles are no longer only heard by white nationalists - they are foghorns now. We all hear the racism. What else, love?

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was my opening line. They say country was.at.its worst when Trump presidency ended and it's better now.

(4 years ago, my friend was demanding schools, jobs, world to close and ban unvaccinated from hospitals)

DevilDogPede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh my God you are like a memory machine. Thank you. Especially Epstein. This changes my course with how I was going to answer that.

Much easier to tug at their feelings rather than posting links I know they'll never read

(And more importantly, their silent acquaintances who live in Atlanta with him. That's who I am trying to reach. I know my friend is long gone)

DevilDogPede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely don't expect him to change. However, he has that little faithful following of other lefties who thumbs up each other and laugh emoji anyone else (the typical 5-8 other people).

As expected, they jumped in and said all the usual.

This is what I wanted. It's not him or his little weird cuck gang. It's the fact I have a platform that I can reach his silent acquaintances without having my post deleted.like he usually does.

He lives in Atlanta too so this is God's work lol

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did that know that. This was the question I was most concerned with because there are SO MANY stories. You know these types,.if you produce something they "prove" is fake, that's the end of it for them

DevilDogPede 1 point ago +1 / -0

And how it bypasses Company and even Battalion level and instead goes straight to the political Regimental level. They know 01-3's won't adhere to this crap.

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