posted ago by SvixGale ago by SvixGale +165 / -0

I didn't think much about it when MonkeyWerx announced in his latest blog post that he was going dark for a bit. Actually, it was a positive sign to me, because I figure that's some proof that MW has real-deal, legit insider info & he doesn't want to risk inadvertently compromising his sources right during the Op..

MonkeyWerx was the first I'm aware of to say specifically & clearly;

"I will not be posting any overwatch reports until after Jan 20 for OpSec reasons (3 days out) and likely following the blackout. Stay Frosty. Have a Plan. "


Then I noticed JoeM - again a prominent Anon, state the same thing:

JoeM https://gab.com/StormIsUponUs/posts/105566412810515288

NOW this "MajorPatriot" guy says the same thing:

"I will not be posting until after Jan 20 for OpSec reasons."


My thoughts: These guys have SOME sort of real-deal insider info and they don't want to risk breaching OPSEC, so they're just shutting their traps & going dark for a few days.

What do you guys make of this?

Has anyone else along these lines said a similar thing; that they're going dark for OPSEC relating to the 20th?
