25 No Concession Speech From Trump, But a Farewell From Melania? posted 4 years ago by Insignificant 4 years ago by Insignificant +28 / -3 Is this just a deflection? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/farewell-message-first-lady-melania-trump/ 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
She would not be aware of any plans and I'm sure its business as usual for the majority of the Trump white house.
I wouldn't think too much of it.
Saying your leaving really doesn't mean anything. It could just be mis-direction.
All I can say is disinformation is necessary. If we know Trump’s plans, then so does the Deep State. I am aware this sounds like cognitive dissonance. I suppose we’ll see on the 20th.
Trump wanted a goodbye military parade but the Pentagon apparently shot it down.
That’s what worries me. Is Trump backed by all branches of the MIL for this Plan?
I wouldn't read too much into it. Either way, it's wasteful spending.
Expensive, yes. Rogue elements, hopefully not.