After reviewing the suggestions we've received from the community on how we can improve the forum, especially given the influx of new users, the Moderation Team will be creating a daily post for general discussion.
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread.
Please utilize this stickied post for all general discussion. If you see posts on the front page or on New which are better suited for this thread, please help us out by and use the Report function, or point your fellow Patriots in the right direction with a comment. We thank you all for your continued feedback and support.
Use this daily thread to share:
• Community conversation, general chatter • Questions and quotes • Recent news • Memes and videos • Meta and/or community-related comments
Please remember our rules:
• Civil discussion ONLY. • Q supporters only. • Follow the law. No doxxing. • No Self Promotion. No spam. • Keep it honest and accurate.
Finally, all moderation questions and concerns should be submitted via modmail.
In my religion this is the only prayer we are allowed to say because it was told to us by Jesus that WHEN you pray, you say...
"11 He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” 2 He said to them, “When you pray, say:
Father,[a] hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come.[b] 3 Give us each day our daily br..."