Do you have any proof that it is fake? Did you run any analysis?
It looks real to me. I've seen these pictures individually, not in a collage like we see here. You can go and look them up. Q posted several. This isn't news to anyone who has followed Q for 3 years.
Fake and gay
The image posted looks photo shopped to fuck + humor, my bad. It still looks incredibly fake tbh the image posted.
Another - "He trained in Syria in 2017 with the YPG, was featured on VICE, and in 2020 participated in the CHAZ insurrection in Seattle, per DOJ documents." -
My bad, this looks fake af though
Do you have any proof that it is fake? Did you run any analysis?
It looks real to me. I've seen these pictures individually, not in a collage like we see here. You can go and look them up. Q posted several. This isn't news to anyone who has followed Q for 3 years.