Telegram is weird as fuck, I don't know why on earth Lin chose there of all places to plant himself down.
He should have just stuck with GAB.
Telegram is lousy. It doesn't allow for comments and ANTIFA/BLM have used it in the past. It's really strange. It's not got a reputation as being an alternate platform. I think it was even banned in India.
Lin posted and deleted several times.
I highly doubt Melania of all people have a Telegram account.
It makes no sense, whatsoever for Gen. Hyten to have a Telegram account.
Prior to Lin Wood going over to Telegram, all Telegram was known for was Indians looking for bobs and vagine.
Thanks for a more sane response. I know nothing about telegram other than Twitter sucks.
It's ok.
Telegram is weird as fuck, I don't know why on earth Lin chose there of all places to plant himself down.
He should have just stuck with GAB.
Telegram is lousy. It doesn't allow for comments and ANTIFA/BLM have used it in the past. It's really strange. It's not got a reputation as being an alternate platform. I think it was even banned in India.