posted ago by ArchetypalJustice ago by ArchetypalJustice +138 / -0

At least SOMETHING is going to happen no matter what.

They have brought in 30,000+ soldiers to DC while telling the world it was because Trump supporters were planning armed protests.

We know that isn't going to happen. They know that isn't going to happen.

Biden didn't bring them in for protection obviously. He even hired a security team.

I know this is all common knowledge on here but I'm highlighting these specifically to point out the resources and effort of bringing so many soldiers in and supposedly doing it for a reason that is clearly a cover when looking at it from our side. And not clearly a cover to someone on the left.

So no matter the what or how, at least SOMETHING will happen today. Or tomorrow but I think today. Might be a good way to position this to a normie that doesn't want to fuck with Q.