posted ago by Cyphr ago by Cyphr +510 / -0

We don't know the plan or the timing of any of its steps. However, there are a few basic things that we know to be true.

First, our country has been attacked. The election fraud was a cyber warfare attack by foreign powers on critical US infrastructure, which is literally an act of war. Some factions within our country aided the enemy attack, including corrupt politicians, government officials, judges, the MSM and big tech.

Second, the military is responsible for defending our country from attacks made by enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, laws prevent the military from being used inside our own country, except under certain special circumstances. Regardless, there is no way our military will allow this cyber warfare attack to be successful and go unanswered. So, there most certainly WILL be a response - we just don't know what it is or how it will be accomplished.

VERY IMPORTANT: whatever is done and however it is done, it must be legal and extremely difficult to repeat. Otherwise, opponents of a president would be able to imitate the steps of the plan themselves to steal power sometime in the future.

Obviously, this has all been factored into the current plan and has made it more difficult to implement. However, that is why the easy solutions could NOT be used - they were too easy and would be used again after a precedent had been set. Just keep this in mind when people are bitching about how things unfold in the next two days...