Supposedly the latter — He’ll start post tweets every 10 min, then 5, then 1. A lot of folks it serves as a countdown for a Q drop that says something along the lines of:
[1] SIG”
According to Wiki, “ The defense readiness condition (DEFCON) is an alert state used by the United States Armed Forces...” with 1 being the most severe, and 5 being the least.
That’s the Q!
What's it mean, from Q?
The most 15 min deltas in the past few days have been for an hour. Like from 11-12. This is new and significant
Aaaaaaaaand....pattern ended.
How many posts will occur every 15 minutes? A certain number, or will he start posting even quicker(every 10 minutes, etc)?
Supposedly the latter — He’ll start post tweets every 10 min, then 5, then 1. A lot of folks it serves as a countdown for a Q drop that says something along the lines of:
“15-10-5 DEFCON [1] [1] SIG”
According to Wiki, “ The defense readiness condition (DEFCON) is an alert state used by the United States Armed Forces...” with 1 being the most severe, and 5 being the least.
What q drop confirms this?
They started posting at 30m deltas again, but I don't really know how this works.
Not 15 minute intervals. Check the ones that are off from the 30 minute intervals. Timestamp q post.