This one....
“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. Thank you to those I can name here and the countless others still crushing evil in the dark: Gina H., Andy K., Didi R., Deb W., Chris M., Andy M., Meroe P., Rob K., Mike C., Dawn M., Jaime C.
and this....
Director CIA gets nothing done without a great team. I had one. And we got a helluva lot done. I said we were going to take risks and deliver. We did both with enormous professionalism – and the bad guys never knew what hit them.
This one.... “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32. Thank you to those I can name here and the countless others still crushing evil in the dark: Gina H., Andy K., Didi R., Deb W., Chris M., Andy M., Meroe P., Rob K., Mike C., Dawn M., Jaime C.
and this.... Director CIA gets nothing done without a great team. I had one. And we got a helluva lot done. I said we were going to take risks and deliver. We did both with enormous professionalism – and the bad guys never knew what hit them.
I missed Gina! I see what you mean now. Has he been messing with us on purpose?!
Please excuse my ignorance but who is Gina H.?
CIA Director
Haspel director of cia.