First off, go read what I said about Telegram, and how it being controlled by Russian government won't make it much better than Twatter and Fukbook having complete access to everything on your phone or computer. Read Lin's post about limits imposed by Telegram on his account today. Don't want to say "I told you so!", but simply pointing out that people should stay away from both Telegram and now Parler, nothing hosted by a Russian company is safe, by any means, and not, in any way NOT controlled by Russian gov.
Second. I believe Lin, have been so far. If he, as he claims, has the video, time to post it, or shut up. Its way too late at this point to say "Wait, wait, its coming, SOOOON...". When, if not NOW?!
What's the hold up with posting the video, a few platforms that would host it are still live as we speak. Bitchute?
And one thing grates me right now. IF, as Lin claims, Pence was part of the plan to assassinate judges in discussions PRIOR to 2016 elections, and those discussions included Killary, something really does not add up. We all know that Killary was supposed to win, right? Then why discuss the plan with someone on the team supposed to lose? Does not add up.
A few thoughts.
First off, go read what I said about Telegram, and how it being controlled by Russian government won't make it much better than Twatter and Fukbook having complete access to everything on your phone or computer. Read Lin's post about limits imposed by Telegram on his account today. Don't want to say "I told you so!", but simply pointing out that people should stay away from both Telegram and now Parler, nothing hosted by a Russian company is safe, by any means, and not, in any way NOT controlled by Russian gov.
Second. I believe Lin, have been so far. If he, as he claims, has the video, time to post it, or shut up. Its way too late at this point to say "Wait, wait, its coming, SOOOON...". When, if not NOW?!
What's the hold up with posting the video, a few platforms that would host it are still live as we speak. Bitchute?
And one thing grates me right now. IF, as Lin claims, Pence was part of the plan to assassinate judges in discussions PRIOR to 2016 elections, and those discussions included Killary, something really does not add up. We all know that Killary was supposed to win, right? Then why discuss the plan with someone on the team supposed to lose? Does not add up.