772 California Teachers Warned: "Do Not Show LIVE Inauguration to Students; DISREGARD any EMERGENCY BROADCASTS" What are they so scared of?? Q followers know! posted 4 years ago by Food4theGorg 4 years ago by Food4theGorg +776 / -4 https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/california-teachers-warned-do-not-show-live-inauguration-to-students-disregard-any-emergency-broadcasts 80 comments share 80 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'm not going to watch anyways, if something important happens, it'll be replayed for years to come. Not getting on the FOMO train.
And this needs to be verified, until it's verified, then it's just some more larp.
Something like this, from the governor, should be easily verified.