CCP tries to invade the U.P. they will have a hard time. Everyone there is either from a mining, logging, or farm family and they have as many guns as Texas.
It might be nothing but just checked Down detector and 9 are showing red, Google, Office 365, reddit, and gaming channels are starting to go down in some areas. probs nothing?
It may not be headed up there... but it looks like PEACH99 (E-8C JSTARS) is headed that direction. It's crossing into KY now from TN.
I'm watching that too. Very strange...
shipping crates?
ATHNA91 is refueler. Probably some heavy fighter presence in the area.
Never seen Nightwatch up there before???
CCP soldiers hiding in shipping containers? lol?
CCP tries to invade the U.P. they will have a hard time. Everyone there is either from a mining, logging, or farm family and they have as many guns as Texas.
It might be nothing but just checked Down detector and 9 are showing red, Google, Office 365, reddit, and gaming channels are starting to go down in some areas. probs nothing?
Is it near K.I. Sawyer?
Sure is!
"Watching the water"????
Canadian border, Chinese soldiers? Just a thought.