It's not going to matter.
I believe that Trump and the boys have removed the US from the corporation. Biden will be president of the district of Columbia and nothing more.
This is their last stand. The vermin hide in that little caged owl whole the rest of the world learns what they have been doing.
No you said something about the wrong game entirely, your analogy. Whether I’m new here is irrelevant, I’m new to the site quite literally though.
And no shoot Sherlock, you’re being a bit patronizing. It was a simple question.
Because my theory is a different game. Right? It's not moving goal posts because the game is 'different'. Rules are 'different, correct?
If we are no longer part of the corporation then why would corporation rules apply? Correct? Because it's different. Right?
You have goal posts in football right? Not baseball correct? And why is that? Because perhaps they are two entirely different games right? Different rules right?
So in baseball you wouldn't be moving goal posts correct? It would have no effect because the game is not affected by them correct?
You wouldn't call pass interference on an outfielder correct? Why? Because it does not apply.
My theory about the corporation allows for Biden to be sworn in. It doesnt make him our president but rather the executive of the corporation right? It's different scenario than some believe where he becomes president of the country. Right? Do you see the differences in logic?