Do you think that Biden is explicitly part of the DS, or is he just a sacrificial lamb for them?
Likewise, do you believe the top officials of the FBI and CIA are working with the DS, or do you think they’re ignorant of what’s truly going on?
What individuals or groups were you most surprised in learning are part of the DS? Did any (such as fave celebs) break your heart when you found out?
Biden is both DS and will be sacrificed.
I think the FBI and CIA were compromised, but I believe they are under white hat control now.
For years I thought it was Dem vs Repubs, only to find out they have all been working together. All are compromised, they have been lying to us for decades. Controlled opposition, illusion of a "'democracy".
The deep state is so rottenn and corrupt and reaches farther than we even know. So yes. All sides, all facets are corrupted and we are suffering because of it.
I think a lot of these traitors are pawns that at some point were blackmailed with pedophilia/murder or other disgusting acts. Even if they wanted to do the right thing, the deep state would ruin their lives and turn the world against them before killing them.
Biden never struck me as a leader. I would put my money on him being a pawn being controlled with power and money, backed up with blackmail.
I don't have favorite celebrities. They have no talent and are only there because of their corruption. There is more talent in highschool than all of hollywood and professional sports