Of course, that too. And they’ll use that incident to reinforce their “all Trump supporters are dangerous” narrative and start rounding us up once they’re in power. It’ll only enable them to accelerate their plans.
100% the media has really been ramping up the rhetoric about it lately. Welcome to the digital gulags. They will use big tech & other big companies to do their bidding - no more payment processing, travel, food, entertainment, etc if you are guilty of wrong think. Bu it is totally fine because those are private companies and don't have to follow the constitution.
Of course, that too. And they’ll use that incident to reinforce their “all Trump supporters are dangerous” narrative and start rounding us up once they’re in power. It’ll only enable them to accelerate their plans.
100% the media has really been ramping up the rhetoric about it lately. Welcome to the digital gulags. They will use big tech & other big companies to do their bidding - no more payment processing, travel, food, entertainment, etc if you are guilty of wrong think. Bu it is totally fine because those are private companies and don't have to follow the constitution.