Pick any topic they covered in the Democratic debates and it'll probably find its way into policy in some form. Open borders immigration, climate accords, UBI, neutering several Amendments through unchallenged EOs or excessive taxation. I think the open borders will be what creates the most stress on the system. In my part of the country the school systems are already badly managed, and the homeowners (especially those on fixed incomes) are being taxed out the wazoo to support every illegal child that has been enrolled. Add in the free healthcare the Democrats promised to illegals, and that's a perfect storm for conflict. Citizens work one, maybe two jobs for an income that's basically stolen from them before they even see their paycheck all so that illegal aliens are given free stuff. The latest trillion dollar bills passed by Congress seem to be the bellwether of what's to come - a government and a populace with no idea that money isn't free, and the only money a government has is what it can either take from people now, or future generations.
Pick any topic they covered in the Democratic debates and it'll probably find its way into policy in some form. Open borders immigration, climate accords, UBI, neutering several Amendments through unchallenged EOs or excessive taxation. I think the open borders will be what creates the most stress on the system. In my part of the country the school systems are already badly managed, and the homeowners (especially those on fixed incomes) are being taxed out the wazoo to support every illegal child that has been enrolled. Add in the free healthcare the Democrats promised to illegals, and that's a perfect storm for conflict. Citizens work one, maybe two jobs for an income that's basically stolen from them before they even see their paycheck all so that illegal aliens are given free stuff. The latest trillion dollar bills passed by Congress seem to be the bellwether of what's to come - a government and a populace with no idea that money isn't free, and the only money a government has is what it can either take from people now, or future generations.