Interviewer: When would Epstein and Supreme Court Justice Roberts would have initially met?
WB: I think it would have been under Bush, not too much longer after he was appointed. Somewhere along there He was meeting famous people. He [Epstein] helped him with his adopted children. It was discussed openly this little dirty tricks squad. The children are not genetically brother and sister, but they are raised that way, which is more valuable to them. One of not both were originally were Wales, but they were in the Epstein channels and were easily removed from their version of foster care to Ireland which has much more open adoption records. He facilitated this for Roberts so he could adopt them both at the same time. And there was a little gap, but that was just paperwork. And that was him, Epstein had done it for him. So they met and he was doing favors at some point.
Interviewer: Is this something Supreme Court Justice Roberts would have paid for, or is it a favor exchange to Epstein to link up with these children?
WB: Well I don’t know at that point. It’s possible either one. I don’t think it’s a payment at that point. It’s more for his position it would be some type of a favor, but I don’t know if either one was done. He facilitated it. If it was a favor, was it payment, was it favor, I couldn’t say.
Interviewer: Could you go into any more details on Supreme Court Justice Roberts with these children. and circles that he ran in.
WB: Children are often used as the commodity a way to buy yourself in certain inner circles. These people are all-wealthy, all-powerful and they don’t trust you if your as compromised as they are. So you provide children to them. You rent adopted children, whatever, this is how they trust you. You are as dirty as they are. You cannot be exposed, because you would expose them. They can expose you. If everyone is just as dirty, you know you’re safe. There’s no other way to buy into these inner circles and get access to whatever. The children are the payment, and the dirt and the control.
Interviewer: Who else would we want to talk to or is there any additional documentation to solidify what you’re saying here today?
WB: The FBI has copies of the videos from the FISA surrounds? It was discussed, but I can’t prove it that Roberts had a copy. Rod Rosenstein certainly has a copy. Shawn Hannity of Crowdstrike who was FBI at the time, he took two copies back to the FBI with him. So the copies were made and it was actually Shawn Bridges who encrypted them with keys….So there are copies out there.
Interviewer: And who would be on these tapes, mostly likely? As far as from your conversations in the [unintelligible]
WB: From just those tapes? Not just the copies? That would be Roberts, or excuse me, uh those would be Pence, and his two lovers, and the younger ones. There were also um they would do the same thing, illegal surveillance, or sometimes domestic. This was mostly in the country, Roberts children, and who they were with. And we knew they wouldn’t be exposed because these were Chief Roberts children. And please keep in mind, these children have been abused since birth. And we don’t want anything else happening, they’ve already lived through hell. They don’t want anything else happening. They were loaned out to these different groups and they get surveilled, many of them.
Interviewer: And you also said in past discussions, that there was a plot that Roberts was allegedly apart of where they discussed murdering other judges on the Supreme Court under Hillary Clinton administration. Can you give me some details on that?
WB: This is something that the FBI set up under their guidance, political people. This is going to be a false flag. This is gone out two years almost before the election. And it was a sovereign citizen group. Obama did not want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism. So this is a sovereign citizen group that the FBI had infiltrated, and armed, and instigated against other targets. They were for the most part, pro-American, but they were racist in some of their origins. A lot of them were divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system anyway, and the FBI infiltrated exploited this. They moved them up to the level of assassinating federal judges, political people and things like that. Part of their problem was various types of attacks on the Supreme Court. Take out as many judges as they could. Roberts was aware of this and he actually provided scheduling because all the Justices weren’t there at the same time. They come and go as they please. These three would be working on something.. and he [Roberts] provided this to the group so they could finalize their plans. They were very, very close in what they were trying to do. They had explosives, all types of automatic weapons, rocket launchers. They were very close to it. They were going to assassinate Dennis Sailors?, federal judge Massachusetts, Martha Cokely, Lisa Monaco, they were going to make it look like a home invasion, and film it until later when they needed it. This was their initial attack plan and then the Supreme Court. This was a group I had infiltrated at their [FBI] request and when I found out what they were doing, they were going to attack judge, they were going to attack the Supreme Court, I tried to end run it. I had minders, people kept tabs on me, had FBI minders, but I tried to end run it and expose them. I took all the evidence and went to the Department of Homeland Security who were overwhelmed and called in the FBI and then the DOJ, which came right back on me and picked me up just a few weeks later. When they found out who I was and the damage to their plots had been done. They did get close to assassinating people up there. Lisa Monaco the judge had 24/7 security. Martha Cokely had in state security. And it did prevent them from going after the Supreme Court. Although their plans were all out, they had maps, the weapons, they had everything planned out. So at least it prevented something like that.
Interviewer: Now were the teams that were supposed to do the actual operations against the judges, were they American or foreign?
WB: No, they were Americans. 1/3 were be the sovereign citizen group and 2/3 were FBI or people working with FBI. They were going to get rid of them anyway. They actually have recordings of their planning on the phone with me as part of the group. And then they did not hang up the phone, they did not kill the phone, and I listened to them talk about killing me and my wife. Things like that. And another time they actually butt-dialed me and were talking to various plans about who they’re going after and what they’re going to do to us because we know too much and we’re outside at the time. So uh, they could not do their plan. We got the people under surveillance, we saved them. It was a credit for saving them. They were very upset that their plans had gone to crap and very upset with me, especially when they came to pick me up, but that stopped it. Their plans were written out, they had maps, they had surveillance, quite a bit of equipment.
Interviewer: What was the timeline they were hoping to do this in?
WB: This would be within the first year of Hillary Clinton’s presidency. She was not supposed to lose. So this was all planned up. It was more than just that. It was twofold: they wanted to pack the court. To take out as many as they could. Roberts was actually helping because he didn’t want to be one of them. He wanted some choice on who would be on the bench after that. He wanted to maintain some level of control, so he did provide some information. This was to be done in the first year of Hillary’s campaign so they could ban firearms as well and pack the court. There would be plenty of time to do that. That was their two main goals.
Interviewer: Do you believe the death of Anton Scalia was part of this same plot?
WB: It was the same people. It was their backup plan. He was their biggest threat. The most conservative justice. Justice Scalia found out their plans and went to the White House a week before his death. I believe he found out what they were trying to do. When they moved away from the overall attack where these people lived, or they’d attack around the holidays when more than one justice would be in the home, things like this. And again, Roberts was providing this. They had to take him out, he was seen as their biggest obstacle. So the same basic group that was involved was given access to the ranch where he was found. They talked about how they did it. They had a couple different options, but it was discussed prior to his death. What they intended to do it, where they could possibly do it, how they would do it, who they would need. The records at the Ciobo Ranch, one person was brought in, three men, there was one brought in as a tentworker, the other two were brought in as servants from a group that was there hunting. They discussed how it was done. That they did so with (some?)oxide, which is fairly inert chemical that goes through your skin, but if you mix it with a poison or a drug, it will go right to your system and overload you. I believe that’s why he was found with a pillow over his face, he was struggling to breathe; he couldn’t breathe, he was choking. And this particular chemical you can tailor to the person, if they have a drug problem you can put fentanyl and overdose. If they have a heart condition it would take a very little to go? and like a direct injection to the heart. And they talk about how they did it, and Roberts is on the phone with these people discussing the successor and he wanted a say in it because now it was only going to be one person and he wanted to pick that person and he wanted a say in who was going to take it. And there was talk that Eric Holder taking and all kinds of people, but he wanted a say on who was going to take over Justice Scalia’s spot. And I don’t think he got because President Trump was here. But he did want it and this was all prior to discussions of him complaining that he wasn’t getting any say prior to his death, sudden death.
Interviewer: Aside from Roberts being witting on this, did Rosenstein or anyone outside of the White House, had they been made aware of the plans? Perhaps in Hillary’s camp that you could speak about?
WB: Oh Hillary was the one that knew about it. I mean it was supposed to be done under her watch. Her first term so they could pack the court, they were fully aware of it. Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary, although he could work with her when he had to. He wasn’t fond of Obama. He’s only fond of himself, but these are plans they enacted through them, and Rod was integral in wanted the Hammer system through Baltimore….
Thanks! I couldn't quite make it out.
Edit: Dimethylsulfoxide
No, not a guess, that's what he said. I can hear it now I've seen it spelled out. Makes since if it gets into your system, you can use it as a carrier like he said and lace it with what you need to death to look like.
I could make out the oxide part, but the first part of the word was too mumbled for me to say for sure. This makes sense now!