26 TRUMP/FLYNN 2021———-TRUMP/POMPEO 2021———-COMMENTS posted 4 years ago by AH1F 4 years ago by AH1F +26 / -0 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Damn you suck! this may be the hardest choice in my fake adult life. I'd say Flynn.
It honestly seems like Trump has had enough. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Pompeo/Flynn administration.
Which is great, but America didn't vote for them. We want Trump.
Pompeo/Flynn? ?
+1, and Trump is elevated to Emperor status.
Sec. Gen. of the UN.
First order of business: Dissolving it. Second order of business: Giving the middle finger to China.
On second thought... I've had a shot of Hopium.
I think we were right, though. The United States, as we have know it, for all our lives, is over.
Now we get back to being the Republic of the United States of America.
Soooo maybe Pompeo as Veep, Flynn as SecState? Granted, Pompeo has been awesome as SecState, and I wouldn't want to remove him from that.
Can't get both concurrently can we? We have some absolutely incredible people leading us I'd hate to have to choose.
To you as well. We are all of us in this together and to help those in need up when it's all over.
Vp is such a powerless position for either......
Trump already won. NO need for another election IMO.
As for DJT and VP -- I'll take either Pompeo or Flynn, though I think Flynn would be best suited for a cabinet position.
I dont know what you talking about. The elections are rigged. What makes you believe that we have any choice in who will win presidential elections in the future? Do you actually believe the line that your vote counts?
Were rigged..new republic...new system . You must be jew around here.
This. The fact so many people are like “ we’re gonna primary u guys in 2022 we won’t forget!” Lmfoaooo ...they will never win again ever .