Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't followed Q Like people follow Jesus... I don't use faith. Im not a faithful follower... the phrase "God wins" frequently used by Q was and always has been something that gave me pause as to the credibility of Q. I followed Q like people follow sports teams... Q hasn't become a religion to me like it apparently has become a religion to you. Q has been a honey dick operation... motivations are unknown... consequences are political inaction and a new religion.

Ogivelauncher -7 points ago +5 / -12

Well yeah.... Youre witnessing the fall of the Republic. We're going down. Prepare accordingly. Trump walked away... He knew and he chose to let the country burn. He realized that he couldnt save it and despite the obvious fraud and collusion with China and other countries not to mention foreign interference with the election... he decided not to go down with the ship and chose to survive with his family and friends. WWG1WGA is not just a slogan...its a prophecy.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are heading into civil war anyway... so they might as well get an early start...I say let the motherfucker burn...burn motherfucker burn.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
Ogivelauncher 3 points ago +4 / -1

Zero chance... about as much chance that you and I have. DJT isnt the president anymore. Its over.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Looks like youre signing off... I will soon as well. Fare well Patriot... Hold to the Constitution... You are not alone... Those who love freedom, love you.

Ogivelauncher 2 points ago +2 / -0

All ready there patriot.

Ogivelauncher 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah...it was Gods plan right? Fuck that..no matter what all the God people always say its Gods will. If that is true, then you must realize that there is noting we can do about anything anyway.

Ogivelauncher 5 points ago +5 / -0

Biden is POTUS now. Not Trump. The Republic died today.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +2 / -1

Demons and pedophiles in control.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Death of the Republic.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The trap could be for you and me...many have risen to prominence... exposure.. just like our wonderful republican congress filth in Washington...exposed as the snakes they are... Personally I believe Q was just a wake up for millions to how the world really works.

Ogivelauncher 4 points ago +4 / -0

The info itself is all open source. The socratic method was used to promote self discovery...it was there all along, Q just told us where to look. It was a sophisticated operation that opened the eyes of millions...it promoted an idea that we could actually take our country back and free the world of evil. It may have worked...maybe it will work... maybe we the people have to do it ourselves and its beyond the ability of one man or president to do. Knowledge is power. Maybe that was the goal.

Ogivelauncher 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah...almost like the whole issue was handled in an illegitimate or unofficial way. Shady, under-the-table..... not taken seriously, blown off... all the while the evidence certainly deserved to be addressed,,,,and wasn't.

Ogivelauncher -1 points ago +2 / -3

Why? Pacification. Keep us believing that votes matter. To lead us into a trap...take your pick.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im pointing out that no matter what the action, it has the potential of tearing the country apart. The enemy is entrenched and still very dangerous.

Ogivelauncher -1 points ago +1 / -2

It would be biblical... and at the same time, that act has to potential of tearing the country apart.

Ogivelauncher 0 points ago +2 / -2

Agreed... add Gulianni to the whole 911 thing and everything becomes very fishy.

Ogivelauncher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I appreciate your comment. I've been following Q since the beginning... so while I freely admit that I don't know all the theories surrounding Q, I am acquainted with a lot of the popular ones. I'm not trying to "concern troll" but I am trying to keep it real. My comments may upset some... and thats just proof that I avoid hopium hits when possible...It seems to me that ignoring realities doesn't serve any purpose other than turning discussions into echo chambers. So if my opinions, like this post for instance, seem like concern trolling, consider that maybe a straight on perspective can keep the discussion from straying off into fantasy land.

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