1341 FOR ANYONE WITH ANY DOUBTS AT ALL: The only reason you need anywhere near 25 000 troops is if you are going to take control of a country. There is simply no other reason. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by JustSayIt 4 years ago by JustSayIt +1343 / -2 365 comments download share 365 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Who said that
I'm trying to figure out if it would be a mistake to answer this question, but it was a public statement so, Vallely.
I think that's from Monkeywerx
Agree, though I didn't want to assume where or from who the General gets his information as it wasn't attributed to anybody. But there is language in there, keywords, if you will, that is indicative of MonkeyWerx
Thx u