posted ago by Darwyn ago by Darwyn +19 / -0


So yesterday I went down a rabbit hole about capitalized statements from Q with a 2 or 3 year delta.(see above link) The one thing I can't figure out is what this post is about.


Its just four booms but if you push ahead 2 years Jan 11, 2019 3:19:34 AM EST becomes Jan 11, 2021 3:19:34 AM EST. So what happened on January 11th??? Did we miss something? What night was it the weird shit went on at the Vatican???

Trumps TX speech was the very next day. Well really like 36 hours later from 3am.

The only other thing I've found is this. "Human Trafficking Awareness Day started in 2007, when the U.S. Senate designated January 11th as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the hopes of raising awareness to combat human trafficking."

Its just eating at me. Everything else lines up at least loosely, but this seems like something big should have happened yet I see nothing.