I've been on TD almost daily ever since 2015. In the last 3 weeks alone I have never seen the narrative become so shifted, confusing, and just blatantly being astroturfed by doomer shills. The responses, the posts, the attitude, the post quality, the questions people posed, it all changed overnight a few weeks ago. Some of them are flat out blatant doomers with very similar responses/tones to other comments on each and every post. But some of them are quite smart and instead of full dooming, they will repeatedly ask irrelevant questions or red herring you to sow doubt in a point someone is making. So yeah... TD is very much undergoing a massive psyop right now. Few of the doomers are legit TD veterans, but I'd say at least 80% of them are doomer shills/bots. I've deported so many doomer shills with an account age of either 40-60 days old, or 200-250 days old. The Deep State/Dems definitely had been preparing accounts on TD for this moment.
I wouldn’t blame it on new doomers. Just people like me who are mentally preparing to be let down. This farewell address was rough but I understand he had to do it so that he separates himself if the military seizes control. People are scared that’s what it comes down to. And rightfully so.
I understand that. I have had the same feeling. Very much worrying as our future depends on this outcome. Even had my doubts for a short period after the 6th. But many posts/comments on TD took it to the next level of dooming, straight up hating on the President, and it was almost as if everyone completely forgot how Trump operates. For 4+ years TD was all on board and saw very clearly how the President is always steps ahead of everyone else, and when you least expect it, he wins at the last moment. Just him winning the 2016 election with everything stacked against him is insane to me. Then we get a video of Trump on the 6th telling people to go home, be peaceful, and he never mentions anything about conceding or Biden, and the narrative and posts went straight downhill on TD fast.
I've been on TD almost daily ever since 2015. In the last 3 weeks alone I have never seen the narrative become so shifted, confusing, and just blatantly being astroturfed by doomer shills. The responses, the posts, the attitude, the post quality, the questions people posed, it all changed overnight a few weeks ago. Some of them are flat out blatant doomers with very similar responses/tones to other comments on each and every post. But some of them are quite smart and instead of full dooming, they will repeatedly ask irrelevant questions or red herring you to sow doubt in a point someone is making. So yeah... TD is very much undergoing a massive psyop right now. Few of the doomers are legit TD veterans, but I'd say at least 80% of them are doomer shills/bots. I've deported so many doomer shills with an account age of either 40-60 days old, or 200-250 days old. The Deep State/Dems definitely had been preparing accounts on TD for this moment.
I wouldn’t blame it on new doomers. Just people like me who are mentally preparing to be let down. This farewell address was rough but I understand he had to do it so that he separates himself if the military seizes control. People are scared that’s what it comes down to. And rightfully so.
I understand that. I have had the same feeling. Very much worrying as our future depends on this outcome. Even had my doubts for a short period after the 6th. But many posts/comments on TD took it to the next level of dooming, straight up hating on the President, and it was almost as if everyone completely forgot how Trump operates. For 4+ years TD was all on board and saw very clearly how the President is always steps ahead of everyone else, and when you least expect it, he wins at the last moment. Just him winning the 2016 election with everything stacked against him is insane to me. Then we get a video of Trump on the 6th telling people to go home, be peaceful, and he never mentions anything about conceding or Biden, and the narrative and posts went straight downhill on TD fast.
But what i can't answer is why did he summon his supporters that day? Only to send them all home shortly after? What was his intention?