Ha ha. She mentioned it actually. Maybe she proposed to me first but it just sort of came up as kind of obvious that we should do it and she talked about it with me and I said, yeah, let me work something out. If I said let's go down to the JP she would do it. It's probably what will happen. We can't really afford a big wasteful wedding obviously. We won't have any family around because everyone is all around the state and all around the country but I put in for transfer for nights so that when I suddenly put a nice ring on her finger she will feel surprised and will always know how much I love her.
We're going in dry!!!
Thanks for the much needed laugh Cats. I am back working nights likely for a long time. Gotta get an engagement ring. Wooohooo
KEK! Why did I hear this in Trump's voice
Doctor! Doctor!
At first this seemed fake to me....
OK, this is one of the most funny things I've ever seen 👏
AHAHAA this .GIF kills me. Great movie too
raises another IPA - It wouldn't be GreatAwaken at all without him - for my money hands down the best real estate on the internet! HELL YEA everyone, the Presidency is OURS, OMGOSH
I have had insomnia over the past couple weeks too. I have even been posting which normally I don't have time to do. You definitely notice your brain not working as well when you get only half your normal sleep times down.
Terrible insomnia the last few nights trying to move from night shift back to normal daytime and it is making me crazy
Have a happy new year, Cat! 2025 Is it going to be absolute fire 🔥🔥
Like that actress that was getting a globe award or something and she told this cringe story about getting an abortion
I will be out early morning making sure I catch this on video. Girlfriend got a new camera
I'm embarrassed to say that I stared at your second link for far too long before I figured it out, dammit
Kwk... Flair
How is this even real
Took me a second go get it then-- HOLY SHHHIIIIIIII
This is definitely some autism from the edge of the known universe, OP kek
Oh my God you saved me a bunch of embarrassment in front of my wife because she came around the corner and I was already just realizing this
Ahah, the flair
Well, good catch. And wow, people caught it too, you can hear them
I swear to God, I'm so grateful for this post. I haven't been on GAW like for two weeks and I took Tuesday and Wednesday off to basically watch the nuclear fireworks with my wife and two young kids. We are all set, easily we could live two maybe three months without anybody to leave the property. In fact, I have two neighbors within 3 mi of here that are totally aligned and ready to go and put our heads together if we need to do 6 months. But this is all Yeunling talk, you know what I'm saying? But I swear to God, I totally expected a DDOS by now, I can't believe I'm still on the internet so that's why I'm leaving this comment
Haha ima guess you ad-libbed that last line
No, it flew, we are flying! Thanks for asking. We're waiting for the paperwork but we actually did a few test flights (legally, by the way, in my state it is legal to fly unregistered on your own property, and we have a couple thousand acres out here). I can't wait to paint the tail number on her back again. EDIT -- by the way her old tail number got reassigned so we have applied for a new ''Special Airworthiness Certificate'' and all the restorations do not count as modifications or upgrades which is less complicated but still a hassle. We had a zoom call with the DAR and he said yeah, it's worth coming out to inspect it because it's ready.
Ha ha, yes, we are on roughly the same schedule again, how long has it been since that hey. Two decades? I noticed I see your posts more when I'm working nights. Nights is pretty tame, we just roll longer jobs, nights are mostly when the major overhauls happen. You know how it is. Shifts happen fast and my dinner is my lady's breakfast, so, it's fun and we still hang.
Thanks so much by the way for everything you do around here. Let's "go," as you say, lol.