posted ago by GatesOfHell ago by GatesOfHell +27 / -1

The cabal is telling us again and again that they will never, ever make the mistake of allowing an "outsider" to hold office again.

At the same time, Trump is seemingly retiring to Mar-a-Lago, his private residence... with feral leftists like the NY AG in hot pursuit. Not to mention the Blantifa terror mobs. Think logically - he'd have to flee the country, or at least travel to an undisclosed location, if he and his family were to have any chance of just not being captured or killed. Even if the Q movement didn't exist, this would be a certainty.

While this is going on, thousands of troops are being stationed across the country. The nation's capital is hosting a massive pop-up fortification, additional troops streaming in by the day. Trump and the Dems are both seemingly out of character: POTUS is low-lying, even-keel, and conciliatory, when he should be displaying the most righteous of indignation - given his trademark pride, doubly so. The enemy, meanwhile, is oddly silent - in what should be their ultimate moment of triumph. Nancy sure doesn't seem all that happy. Big Mike looked oddly down in his last FB post. Cuomo isn't going to attend the inauguration due to "security concerns"... does that even make any sense? As little sense as the concern of Biden's handlers, over the political leanings of 'his' troops...

We know that Q and the president are connected, and are communicating together. Given this, I see two logical possibilities:

  1. Q is an elaborately-designed psyop, but deployed only onto a relatively small slice of the populace - the intersection of patriots and dank memers. It works by exposing the secrets of the cabal, while encouraging people to think critically for themselves. Trump, a deep state plant, is the most traitorous slime ever to slither across the American stage. The cabal went through this entire convoluted process, a bizarre humiliation ritual involving a very select group of people, when they could have just installed puppet Killary to destroy the world much faster. or...

  2. I'll leave you to think this out.

I could be wasting my time here, and could be totally off base. But it certainly merits thinking this through to a logical conclusion.

For the next 17 hours, and perhaps beyond: HOLD. THE. LINE. God bless, pedes. ? ??