posted ago by WinsAnon ago by WinsAnon +392 / -0

Add it all up and nothing clear emerges. Another shoe still has to drop. We wait and watch.

List of things Trump would never leave undone:

  1. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp interfered with his presidency.
  2. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp interfered with the midterms.
  3. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp interfered with the Hillary investigation.
  4. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp interfered with the Epstein case.
  5. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp interfered with the media.
  6. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp exacerbated covid19 and the economic decline.
  7. Declass - and release - of all the ways the swamp stole the 2020 presidential, House and Senate elections.
  8. Declass - and release - of corruption in government spending, graft, kickbacks.
  9. Declass - and release - all the ways China, Iran and other foreign governments aided in all the above.
  10. Declass - and release - of the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination.
  11. Declass - and release - of all the known false flags events.

Now, it is possible he can do all these things as an ex-President so long as he has all the materials. If he has declassified them, he is allowed to possess them even after he leaves.

But the military angle is the one I'm most interested in right now. Those guys are wired to follow their commander in chief even if they dislike or disagree with him. I will be shocked if the military does a post-transition coup. It seems like they all risk treason/sedition if they defy the new President, but they would have had more cover if they arrested people while Trump was the President. So I admit I don't know what to think about the military.

Bottom line, there is too much undone for Trump to quit and go golfing. Not to mention the onslaught of constant attacks the swamp has planned for him, his family and his inner circle. Trump is not done, not by a long shot.