Think how long they have been planning this... maybe, they let Biden steal the election by design.... maybe we are all supposed to suffer through the hell they will visit upon us. Maybe THAT is the true precipice. And it’s always been about 2024 - 2028. Just think how much fun it will be and how educated / red pilled we will all be on the 12th year of the plan.
Mostly kidding, but who really knows? All I do know is Donald Trump will finish what he started.
Yes, I get it. I believe it will happen, but if it doesn’t, I’m not giving up.
Think about this... we were all resigned to the fact that HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON was going to be President 4 years ago..... after 8 years of OBUMMER. And BO had both houses of Congress for 2 years.
If I were red pilled then like I am now, I woulda thought that was the end... hell, I thought it was the end when Billy Boy got elected and re-elected....
Anyway, I’m just saying, it’s really only over if we all give up. Period.