Why would reviews of 12 years administrative rule making result in overturning elections? Administrative agency rules don't have anything to do with elections. What am I missing?
Okay I think I get it. He wants to identify any and all rules issued by a Senior Appointee. By definition that would mean someone appointed by the sitting President. Is he suggesting that they may want to overturn all rules drafted by Obama Appointees, because he was never really authorized to appoint anyone?
Is it just the one page with the red highlight or is there more commentary? I'm not familiar with the platform linked.
Why would reviews of 12 years administrative rule making result in overturning elections? Administrative agency rules don't have anything to do with elections. What am I missing?
Obummers entire "presidency" maybe?
Okay I think I get it. He wants to identify any and all rules issued by a Senior Appointee. By definition that would mean someone appointed by the sitting President. Is he suggesting that they may want to overturn all rules drafted by Obama Appointees, because he was never really authorized to appoint anyone?