Pelosi and Hillary blasted by the Left for their tone-deaf cries of Russiagate https://www.foxnews.com/media/hillary-clinton-nancy-pelosi-russiagate
Trump fully declassifies Crossfire Hurricane documents https://breaking911.com/breaking-trump-declassifies-crossfire-hurricane-documents/
Hawley blocks quick effort to approve Biden’s DHS nominee, citing immediate amnesty plans and lack of support for the border wall https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hawley-biden-dhs-chief-citing-amnesty-plan
Dems can’t help themselves, proposing insane ideas like $2,000/month payments to citizens and $23/hr minimum wage https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/california-democrat-23-minimum-wage
Fox lays off Chris Stirewalt and 20 others on its election night decision desk, in “restructuring” but no doubt related to the fact that Fox is hemorrhaging viewers after calling Arizona prematurely https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2021/01/19/breaking-fox-news-lays-off-chris-stirewalt-other-decision-desk-hq-staff-in-restructuring-n312773
Trump’s four years ends with 51% approval rating according to Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_jan19
Gina Haspel resigns one day before the end of Trump’s term … can’t figure this one out https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0z9doqR/gina-haspel-has-just-resigned-fr/c/
All these last minute Executive Orders have the full weight of the Presidency until they are rescinded by a President, so agencies and military can act upon them during and after the transition with full authority, just FYI
See you tomorrow.
Regarding number 8. I don't think they can be recinded. I think at one point Trump tried recind Obamas DACA EO, and was blocked by the Supreme Court
Well yes, but no. That was "the chosen one" vs "orange man bad"
It was ridiculous, it wasn't even a case of Trump not being allowed to rescind it, he wasn't allowed to let the expiration date actually expire. Like what?
Flawless logic. Checkmate atheists.