-Since he was thrown out of Paradise.
He almost had it this time.
He would've got away with it if it weren't for those meddling Dital Warriors!
God wins.
-Since he was thrown out of Paradise.
He almost had it this time.
He would've got away with it if it weren't for those meddling Dital Warriors!
God wins.
Since he offered to go down from heaven and die for the people's sins but he wanted all of God's glory. Jesus came to the Father and said, "Father, I will go down and die on the cross for you and give YOU all the glory". There was a war in heaven and Lucifer and all his angels were thrown out of heaven to tarry on earth until the end of time. It's that time that they spend 1000 years in the pit of fire. End of the world (End of the Wicked). :)