The US Constitution does not list who becomes president if the president and vice president are not able to serve. It does, however, provide that the Congress can create a statute to do that.
Congress did. Presidential succession goes like this:
President - Biden is a threat to national security due to his financial ties to China, which just interfered with critical infrastructure of the United States, and therefore became an enemy of the USA. He cannot be president. He might have also been directly engaged in election tampering. Let's see what the evidence shows.
Vice President - Harris is not constitutionally eligible to be vice president because she is not a natural born citizen. In addition, as a senator, she aided China by voting to certify a fraudulent election.
Speaker of the House - Pelosi also voted to certify a fraudulent election.
President Pro Tem of the Senate - Grassley also voted to certify a fraudulent election.
Secretary of State - Pompeo might be the one to run the interim government until things get sorted out.
Secretary of Treasury - Steve Mnuchin - If Pompeo resigns or chooses not to accept the role, it would fall to Mnuchin.
Secretary of Defense - Christopher Miller - If both Pompeo and Mnuchin step aside, then Miller would be handling the interim period.
No, we're not. Stow that defeatist talk.
Oh, ye of little faith.
You know why? Because...
The Castle has been captured.
Once POTUS leaves DC, later this morning, the illegal CORPORATION OF THE US will be declared a foreign enemy inside the reclaimed sovereign land of the LEGAL United States per our original Constitution that was illegally amended in 1871.
The fence is our new border. The troops will be acting as border control to contain the swamp creatures until tribunals can commence. There have been and will likely continue to be additional arrests of state officials and other bad actors outside of DC, but the head rats will walk right into the trap on their own.
We have waited so long for this day. Just a few more hours...