Read this.
a : to move suddenly and violently : "started angrily to his feet"
b : to react with a sudden brief involuntary movement "started when a shot rang out"
2a : to issue with sudden force "blood starting from the wound"
b : to come into being, activity, or operation "when does the movie start" / "the rain started up again"
Read those examples. There are no coincidences.
"FISA INDICTMENTS = START (public_justice)"
Indictment: "a formal written statement framed by a prosecuting authority and found by a jury (such as a grand jury) charging a person with an offense"
Trump ordered the declassification of the fisagate documents. FISA will be the start. It will be very sudden. In his final hours in office, he opened Pandoras box and there is no putting the lid back on it. He is metaphorically walking away in slow motion while the explosions go off behind him.
"Move slowly, carefully — and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet!"
Game Theory: A mathematical method of decision-making in which a competitive situation is analyzed to determine the optimal course of action for an interested party, often used in political, economic, and military planning.
But there is “Human” game theory experiments circa 2016 see link above
I’m more worried about all the Human Game theory. I don’t want to Doom, just probably major OCD NO SLEEP panic mode
The die have been cast. Nothing left to do but believe.