Everyone needs to relax and look back on everything that has happened recently.
Once you realize nothing makes sense, suddenly everything makes sense.
Shills are attacking hard. Why would they? If Q is fake and a larp then they wouldn't waste their time. Congress, the msm, hollywood, commies, and the CCP wouldn't be attacking it so hard. Even if they did end up killing discussion of Q, it still wouldn't change the outcome.
Martial law was declared.
Could it happen? No, experts say. There’s absolutely no legal or political precedent for it. “Can the president invade the Congress of the United States? No, he cannot, said Adav Noti, an election law expert with the Campaign Legal Center.
Trump definitely has troops inside of congress. They could have been posted up outside and surrounding the building, but they made it a point to have pictures of the troops inside.
The insurrection act was signed
Proclamation to disperse. Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
After the Capitol Hill siege happened on Jan 6, Trump went live and told the insurrectionists,
you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We don't want anybody hurt,
which settled the requirement of immediately ordering insurrectionists to go home.
Interestingly, the only two presidents to ever declare martial law are the two for which Trump has most often expressed admiration: Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln.
Active duty troops can only be deployed if the situation meets certain criteria including times of domestic violence (as in, violence on U.S. soil rather than the kind of violence between two people in a living situation), insurrection, natural disaster, epidemic, etc.
Two very old laws restrict the President’s ability to order active duty military members to operate domestically; the Insurrection Act of 1807 and the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. In general these two federal laws work together to restrict how active duty military forces can be deployed on American soil.
Marines have been deployed into DC as well as the 10th mountain division. On Jan 18th, VP Pence delivered a speech at Fort Drum to the 10th mountain division. You can see a punisher skull on the helicopter at 4:07
25k are in DC and have built a fortress. Then came down the order to vet all 25k troops for "extremists". President Trump wouldn't kick boot any of his soldiers for simply supporting him. That's obvious a cover to find CCP/commie infiltrators. The feds aren't stupid, they didn't wait months for all the units to arrive, build up the base and then decide to vet them all. They waited for the walls to go up and checkpoints set up. It's not an inauguration, it's a prison. Now you can vet everyone inside as there isn't anywhere for infiltrators to run.
This picture of Pelosi with the troops is interesting. From all my eyes of serving i haven't seen a unit with so many asians, or maybe they are Chinese. Out of all 25k troops a picture is taken with Pelosi who has ties with the CCP, and this many asians. Could be a message (We have your girl and know who your infiltrators are)
So far, 43 members of the guard have tested postive for "covid", another 12 have been pulled from duty for security precautions.
Also to throw in that the FBI is currently arresting Antifa terrorists for their plot to attack all 50 state capitals and threaten to kill cops, military, and Trump supporters. Notice how quiet it has been? One of the arrested is Daniel Allen Baker who was a big shot at the failed CHAZ commie zone in seattle. He's also the one that the commies love to brag about when they say they have combat vets in their ranks.
On Jan 19, JoePedo was denied access to a government plane to the inauguration. Biden had to fly private to DC. When President Trump leaves the White House later today, he's flying on Air Force One and taking the nuclear football with him to Maralago. Maralago has been nicknamed the Winter White House. https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/19/joe-biden-isnt-getting-government-plane-to-fly-him-to-d-c-inauguration/
Now, put it all together. Look at the big picture.
Hey would you mind linking me to that photo of Pelosi with the Asian NG soldiers? I really wanna see that firsthand, crazy