Instantly forgettable.
"Hey, this Humvee went in an hour ago, and now it's coming OUT!!! Seriously, THANK you guys for the donations!! They help me do whatever the fuck it is that I do!!!! People trust me cuz I'm wearing a cowboy hat!"
Dude... Walking up and down the street live-streaming? FUCK YOU!
Hey, I brought up his lives-tream on YouTube. Motherfucker is RACKING UP the $$$!!!!!
If I had 13,000 people (once in a lifetime opportunity) I'd totally ask them to give me 5 bucks apiece.
Instantly forgettable. "Hey, this Humvee went in an hour ago, and now it's coming OUT!!! Seriously, THANK you guys for the donations!! They help me do whatever the fuck it is that I do!!!! People trust me cuz I'm wearing a cowboy hat!"
Dude... Walking up and down the street live-streaming? FUCK YOU!
Hey, I brought up his lives-tream on YouTube. Motherfucker is RACKING UP the $$$!!!!!
No kidding. Go look...
Another grifter
I keep commenting "hopium" and "q" to see who picks up.. a few
Low effort. Removed.