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Well, it certainly didn't go down as I had expected.
I did not expect Xiden to be sworn in as the 46th president of the corporation of the United States.
However, the truth remains, the evidence remains, the plan remains, the fraud remains, the corruption remains, the evil remains, the lies remain.
Justice has yet to prevail. Expect The Storm. It's up to the military now.
Is their allegiance to the new demonstrably illegitimate president or the Constitution?
Let the process work itself out...
I fully expected military to arrest a number of people as soon as they began the swearing in.
Trump and his administration have been sticklers for doing EVERYTHING by the law, by the Constitution.
My guess is that there is some legal reason why they didn't do it while Trump was president.
There is another viable reason, but it is too scary to consider at the moment, involving blackmail on the lives of the US population.
Now it is just a matter of time before judgement falls.
I'm curious to know about troop movements globally.