Everyone here is just acting like its another normal day and have been since election day. Like sheep who just accept whatever outcome the media tells them. I work in oil and gas in Texas so its not like I am in a blue state or industry. I just cannot fathom how asleep some people are. I am here physically but my mind definitely is not. All I want to do is be at home with my monitors open and searching frantically for news and knowing if it hits the fan that I have everything I need right there. Maybe I should go home just in case. Last thing I want to do is try to drive 45 min if "chaos" does break out today.
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Work is work, politics is politics, and ne'er the twain shall meet.
That's my motto. Because when you mix work with government/politics, what you get is communism.
Co-workers are always like, "don't you have an opinion?"
And I respond with, "of COURSE I do. But not at work"
It pisses 'em off because they don't know where I stand.
I throw 'em off too. On purpose. I've worn 'american flag' face masks, a Che Geuvara t-shirt, and even a BLM hat (Bureau of Land Management, not black live's matter). Now, I haven't worn all those at the SAME TIME. Because, then they'd just try to commit me.
Keep em guessing. It's fun and safe.
It's a disaster, let's not get too excited.