GEORGE: John Cole, we have some news that the President did leave a note?
JOHN: That's what we were told, he left a note in the oval office for Joe Biden. As I mentioned, A friend of the President who spoke to him last night believed he did and now we have confirmed, in fact he left the note. What that note said, George, we don't know, but a note from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the oval office.
GEORGE: John Cole, we have some news that the President did leave a note?
JOHN: That's what we were told, he left a note in the oval office for Joe Biden. As I mentioned, A friend of the President who spoke to him last night believed he did and now we have confirmed, in fact he left the note. What that note said, George, we don't know, but a note from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the oval office.
Thanks Koala Trump! (Guessing you're a fellow Aussie?)
No doubt, mate. I might be here in Australia but I'm down with Trump to the end.
I'm with you brother! Where abouts you from?
Sydney, bud. I'm stupid 'cause I reside in the part of Australia that is more expensive than everywhere else. :P
How's about you?